Book Cover

Dear Mom,

I am very excited because I have the final copy of the cover to my book of letters that I wrote to you between 2008 and 2016. During that time, I belonged to a Writers’ Group, so I would type up a letter before each session, then read it to the others. What I especially loved about sharing each one is that the members would begin to talk about their own mother-daughter relationship. Somehow writing from my heart touched a deep place inside of the others

I was originally going to use the title Dear Mom, but Linda Shenton Matchett, a member and prolific writer, suggested that I use the signature instead. Slowly I began to see more clearly that these letters were creating a new loving connection between you and me.

You always loved flowers and had a beautiful garden of red roses by the driveway. A year after your death, the family and I flew to Cleveland to spend Thanksgiving with Charlie. Although Cleveland is known for snowy weather in November, that year was warm and sunny. In your garden were two red roses, one for me and one for my brother. So I knew a red rose needed to be on the cover as a special remembrance of you.

It has taken me a long time to find the courage to publish my letters, as they are very personal. However, it is my deepest hope that other daughters will find solace in my writing and perhaps even choose to write their own letters.

Thank you for always being with me, Mom. I miss you and I love you.


Cover of Helen's book, "Love, Helen: Letters to my Mother"

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